An Anecdote of a Special Learning Experience...
"The only source of knowledge is experience" I believe that one should fill the life with experiences, not things. One should have stories to tell and not only things to show. Experience is the the best teacher in life. " Every experience in life is being orchestrated to teach you something you need to move forward" - Brian Tracy I love to have different experiences in life, observe new things and learn from it. I would like to share one of my most recent learning experience. Somewhere around in the month of November, I got an ad and a newsletter email stating that the Indian Institute of Technology ( IIT ), Bombay is organizing a technical event - Techfest IITB 2022 . I was curious to know more about it and hence I visited the event's website and went through all the details regarding the event. The event was scheduled in the mid of December for three days. There were various minor and major events in the line-up. There were di...